Thursday, September 24, 2009


Data can be defined as facts or information especially when examined and used to find out things or to make decisions.
Sources of data
Primary data
Secondary data
Primary data refer to information obtained firsthand by the researcher on the variables of interest for the specific purpose of the study.
Types of primary data
INTERVIEWS (structured and unstructured)
Face-face interviews
Telephone interviews
Computer based-assisted interview
Interviews from electronic media
The main advantage of face-face interviews or direct interviews is that the researcher can adapt the questions as necessary, clarify doubt, and ensure that the responses are properly understood, by repeating or rephrasing the questions. The researcher can also pick up nonverbal cues from the respondent. Any discomfort, stress, or problems that the respondent experiences can be detected. This would be impossible to detect in a telephone interview.
The main disadvantages of face-face interviews are the geographical limitations they may impose on the surveys and the vast resources needed if such surveys need to be nationally or internationally. Another drawback is that respondents might feel uneasy about the anonymity of their responses when they interact face to face with interviewer.
The main advantages of telephone interviewing, from the researcher’ point of view, is that a number of different people can be reached in a relatively short period of time. From the respondents’ point of view, it would eliminate any discomfort that some of them might feel in facing the interviewer.
The main disadvantage of telephone interviewing is that the respondent could unilateral terminate the interview. Caller ID might further aggravate the situation.
With the modern technology, questions are flashed onto the computer screen and the interviewers can enter the answer of the respondents directly in to the computer. The accuracy of the data collection is considerably enhanced since the software can be programmed to flag the “offbase” or or “out of rage” responces.CAI also prevent the respondents from asking the wrong questions or in the wrong sequence since the questions are automatically flashed to the respondents in an ordered sequence.
Computer vastly eases the job of the interviewer.
Sometime time consuming.
QUESTIONAIRES: A questionnaires is a preformulated set of questions to which respondent’s records their answer, usually within rather closely define alternatives.questionaires are efficient data collection mechanisms when the researcher knows exactly what is required and how to measure the variables of interest. Questionnaires can be administered;
Mail to the respondents
Electronically distributed
Whereas interviews and questionnaires elicit responses from the subject; it is possible to gather data without asking questions of respondets.People can be observed in their natural work environment or in the lab setting, and their activities and behaviours or other items of interest can be noted and recorded. Also their movements, work habits ,the statements made and the meeting conducted by them, their facial expressions of joy, anger ,and other emotions, and body language can be observed. The researcher can play one of two roles while gathering field observational data—that of nonparticipant-observer or participant-observer.

Advantages of observational studies
The data are more reliable and free from respondents’ biases.
It is easy to note environmental influences.
Easy to observe certain individuals
The method is slow, tedious and expensive.
Though mood, feelings, and attitudes can be guess, but the cognitive thought process of individuals cannot be captured.
Because of long period involve, fatigue may set in which might bias the recorded data.
Because almost all data collection methods have some biases associated with them, collecting data through multimethods and from multiple sources lend rigor to research.Likewise, data obtained from several sources bear a great degree of similarity. We would have stronger conviction in the goodness of the data.Therefore; high correlations among data obtained on the same variables from different sources and through different collection methods lend more credibility to the research instrument and to the data obtained through these instruments. Good research entails collection of data from multiple sources and through multiple data collection methods, such research, though, would be more costly and time consuming.
Sekaran, Uma. (2003).Research methods for business: A skill-building approach.
(4th Ed) Hoboken, N. J.: Wiley.

1 comment:

  1. Research in social sciences largely depends on measurements and analysis and interpretation of numerical as well as non numerical data. Quantitative research methods focus on statistical approaches and qualitative methods are based on content analysis, comparative analysis, grounded theory, and interpretation. See more method of collecting primary and secondary data
