Monday, September 7, 2009



Many of the problems that occur in an organization are direct result of people failing to communicate. Faulty communication causes the most problems. It leads to confusion and cause a good plan to fail.
However, before we can go on to define what leadership communication is, let’s start by defining"leaders".researchers rarely agree completely on how best to define leadership,
But most would agree that leaders are individuals who guide, direct, motivate, or inspire others. They command others attention, they control situations, and they get result.
Communication on the other hand is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another. It involves a sender transmitting an idea to a receiver.
Effective communication occurs only if the receivers understand the exact information or idea
that the sender intended to trasmit.Moreso, communication can be verbally or non verbal-
Lly.Communication from one person to another is often called the "rhetorical situation".
The complication in communication comes from the interruptions or interference in
that transmission, whether the sender causes them or the receiver .the context in which
the information is sent, the noise that surrounds the selection of the medium, the words
used in the message, the image of the speaker-all influence the meaning as it travels su-
ccessfully,or as intended, from one person to another.
The goal of mastering all aspect of leadership communication is to move as close as
as possible to the ideal of the rhetorical situation. Leadership communication neccessi
tates anticipating all interruptions and interference through audience analysis and then
developing a communication strategy that controls the rhetorical situation and facilitate
the effective transmission of message. Thus what is leadership communication?
Leadership communication is the controlled, purposeful transfer of meaning by which leaders influence a single person, a group, an organization, or a community. Leadership communication uses the full range of communication skills and recourses to overcome interferences and to create and deliver message that guide, direct, motivate, or inspire others to action.

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